Commissioners Explore Preliminary Work on Medigap: Future Analysis to Address Premium Variability, Trends in Medigap Enrollment and the Role of State Guaranteed-Issue Policies

Commissioners Explore Preliminary Work on Medigap: Future Analysis to Address Premium Variability, Trends in Medigap Enrollment and the Role of State Guaranteed-Issue Policies

The Medicare Payment Advisory Committee (MedPAC) convened a session on preliminary work related to Medigap, the supplemental insurance available to beneficiaries enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare to cover cost-sharing and coinsurance. Commissioners requested background information on key aspects of Medigap, including enrollment trends, federal and state regulations, premiums, and loss ratios. The session covered an overview of Medigap, its standardized plan types,… (Colocho, March 7, 2025) #Medigap