Health Subcommittee Advances Bills to Enhance Patient Care and Support Caregivers; Seeks to Reauthorize Alzheimer’s Support, Cancer Screening and Stillbirth Research

Health Subcommittee Advances Bills to Enhance Patient Care and Support Caregivers; Seeks to Reauthorize Alzheimer’s Support, Cancer Screening and Stillbirth Research

The House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Health Subcommittee convened a markup of 19 legislative proposals that support patients and caregivers. The legislative proposals cover a range of health-related issues, including Alzheimer’s, maternal and child health, organ transplant discrimination prevention, emergency medical services for children, health care provider protection, poison control centers, traumatic brain injury, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, cancer screening,… (Colocho, March 14, 2024) #Health Equity, #Pediatrics, #Physicians, #Prevention, #Public Health, #Wellness, #Women’s Health, #Workforce