Department Unveils Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategy for Health Care and Public Health Sectors; Proposals Include New Cybersecurity Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Hospitals and Updating the HIPAA Security Rule Next Year
Department Unveils Comprehensive Cybersecurity Strategy for Health Care and Public Health Sectors; Proposals Include New Cybersecurity Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Hospitals and Updating the HIPAA Security Rule Next Year
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a comprehensive strategy aimed at fortifying cybersecurity measures within the health care sector. This initiative is a response to the escalating cyber threats faced by hospitals, patients, and communities and builds upon President Biden’s National Cybersecurity Strategy, which focuses on enhancing resilience against cyber-attacks and safeguarding patient safety (Impact Health summary)…. (Colocho, December 7, 2023) #Health Information Technology, #Hospitals, #Privacy
Committee Advances Legislation Aimed at PBMs, Prescription Drugs, NCD Processes, Parkinson’s and Medicare Physician Fee Schedule; PBM Reforms Likely to Be Reconciled Before House Vote
Committee Advances Legislation Aimed at PBMs, Prescription Drugs, NCD Processes, Parkinson’s and Medicare Physician Fee Schedule; PBM Reforms Likely to Be Reconciled Before House Vote
The House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Committee convened a Full Committee markup to consider 44 pieces of legislation, including 21 health-related bills on Medicare Part D and pharmacy benefit managers, national coverage determination, Medicare Part B, Medicare Advantage, health care, Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and Provider Reimbursement, and Parkinson’s disease. E&C also considered bills related to housing and the gig… (Colocho, December 7, 2023) #Biosimilars, #Cost-Sharing, #Coverage Decisions, #Medicare Part D, #Mental and Behavioral Health, #Pharmacy Benefit Managers, #Physicians
USDA and FRAC Announce $1.1 Million to Increase Equitable Access to Child Nutrition Programs
USDA and FRAC Announce $1.1 Million to Increase Equitable Access to Child Nutrition Programs
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced that it has teamed up with the Food Research & Action Coalition (FRAC) to award five competitive grants for a total of $1.1 million to research and barriers to equitable access in federal child nutrition programs.In the announcement, USDA highlights that a significant number of eligible children are either… (McClurg, December 6, 2023) #Nutrition
Mental Health Legislative Update
Mental Health Legislative Update
In recent years, key mental health indicators across the country have been declining, particularly among youth. Policymakers continue to be concerned with the ability of the healthcare system to meet the demand of increasing substance use and mental health challenges. In August, Impact Health shared a policy update to provide an overview of the legislative updates, comment opportunities, recent data, and programmatic… (Marceno, December 5, 2023) #Mental and Behavioral Health, #Opioids, #Prevention
Agency Issues Interim Final Rule Outlining Enforcement of State Compliance with Reporting and Federal Medicaid Renewal Requirements; Comments Due February 2nd
Agency Issues Interim Final Rule Outlining Enforcement of State Compliance with Reporting and Federal Medicaid Renewal Requirements; Comments Due February 2nd
Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released an interim final rule with a comment period regarding the unwinding of continuous coverage requirements. The interim final rule outlines CMS’ enforcement of states’ compliance with reporting requirements and renewal requirements during the period that begins on July 1, 2023 and ends on June 30, 2024. In the rule, CMS… (Marceno, December 4, 2023) #Coverage Decisions, #COVID-19, #Insurance Coverage
Subcommittee Hearing Reveals Partisan Divides on Pandemic Oversight and CDC Priorities
Subcommittee Hearing Reveals Partisan Divides on Pandemic Oversight and CDC Priorities
The House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee convened a hearing to examine the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) preparedness for the upcoming respiratory disease season, and the agency’s recent restructuring efforts, designed to bolster operational, communication, workforce, and response capabilities. The Subcommittee heard from the new CDC Director Mandy Cohen (testimony), who highlighted the CDC’s… (Colocho, December 4, 2023) #COVID-19, #Prevention, #Public Health, #Transparency
Report Shows That States Have Not Collected All Capitation Payments On Behalf of Deceased EnrolleesÂ
Report Shows That States Have Not Collected All Capitation Payments On Behalf of Deceased EnrolleesÂ
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a report showing that some states made Medicaid capitation payments to managed care organizations (MCOs) on behalf of deceased enrollees. OIG says that 14 previous audits found that state Medicaid agencies had improperly made payments on behalf of deceased enrollees and that the Senate Finance Committee… (McClurg, December 1, 2023) #Program Integrity
Research Grant Opportunities Related to Nutrition and Maternal Health
Research Grant Opportunities Related to Nutrition and Maternal Health
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced two research-based funding opportunities to develop a subgrant program related to the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and maternal health. The two opportunities are described below: Funding Opportunity: FY24 Participation in WIC & Prevalence of Health Risks Associated With Maternal Mortality Description: This grant… (McClurg, December 1, 2023) #Nutrition
Committee Considers Whether to Establish a Bipartisan Fiscal Commission to Balance the Federal Budget
Committee Considers Whether to Establish a Bipartisan Fiscal Commission to Balance the Federal Budget
The House Budget Committee held a hearing with members from both parties and chambers of Congress to discuss legislative proposals that would establish a bipartisan, bicameral fiscal commission with the goal of reducing the federal debt and improving fiscal sustainability. Members from both parties repeatedly emphasized the worsening deficit and interest levels and many highlighted Medicare and Social Security insolvency as one… (McClurg, November 29, 2023) #Budget
Administration Launches Comprehensive Effort to Strengthen Supply Chain Resilience; Aims to Expand HHS Authorities for Domestic Manufacturing of Essential Medicines and Medical Countermeasures
Administration Launches Comprehensive Effort to Strengthen Supply Chain Resilience; Aims to Expand HHS Authorities for Domestic Manufacturing of Essential Medicines and Medical Countermeasures
The Biden-Harris Administration announced crucial measures aimed at strengthening the nation’s medical supply chain resilience. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailed that President Biden plans to issue a Presidential Determination under Title III of the Defense Production Act to expand HHS authorities, allowing investment in domestic manufacturing of essential medicines and medical countermeasures. HHS emphasized the importance… (Colocho, November 29, 2023) #Generic Drugs, #Medical Devices, #Prevention, #Public Health